- (314) 516-8419
- Conferences@mimh.edu
Speaker Slides are Due on February 1st for CME application
Please send slides to conferences@mimh.edu with ADC2022 in the subject line by Tuesday, February 1, 2022. Thank you!
ADC Slide Guide
- All presentations must be compatible with PowerPoint
- All presentations must be submitted prior to February 1st, 2022
- Slides should not have any commercial information, institutional affiliations are ok to use
- Please submit symbols as words. Use standard abbreviations and generic drug names
- Include references slide
Thank you for speaking at the Annual Dialysis Conference this year. Since this is a virtual conference, we would like to invite you to attend a training for speakers and moderators on how the virtual program will run. You will be using the Zoom application to present from and the training will help you get familiar with the program and how the ADC virtual program will be handled this year.
Below are the dates for training, please choose to attend one, and use the links below to connect.
Speaker Trainings
Tuesday, February 1, at 10 am Central – https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/97096931417?pwd=Y3dmVDVMZ0J6OFV6NW9jaVJZUzlQQT09
Friday, February 4, at 3 pm Central – https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/97096931417?pwd=Y3dmVDVMZ0J6OFV6NW9jaVJZUzlQQT09
Tuesday, February 8, at 4 pm Central –
Friday, February 11, at 3 pm Central – https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/97096931417?pwd=Y3dmVDVMZ0J6OFV6NW9jaVJZUzlQQT09
Moderator Trainings
Tuesday, February 1, at 3 pm Central –
Monday, February 7, at 6 pm Central –
Wednesday, February 16, at 11 am Central –
Thursday, February 17, at 11 am Central –
The training should not last more than 30 minutes, but we have allowed 1 hour in case of questions or other issues.
If you cannot make a session, you can watch a previously recorded training.
Click Here to download the speaker training slides.
If none of the above dates work, please contact me at Kelly.Gregory@mimh.edu and we will try to accommodate.
Thank you for your participation.
ADC Planning Committee